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Rudiments of Digital Forensics
Holaaa readers. Once again welcome to my blog and thank you for choosing this platform. So, in this article I have tried to throw light on basics or overview of Digital Forensics. Hope you enjoy it 👍
When we hear about Digital forensics, it starts with the Locard’s Principle
🔎 The Locard’s Principle — EVERY CONTACT LEAVES A TRACE 👣
👉 DATA is never deleted, it only changes its form
👉 Every dead body speaks about its own story, we only need to see it.
Computer forensics digs out the motive behind the crimes and identifies the main culprit behind it. It also ensures the overall safety and integrity of an organization by safeguarding the network infrastructure, saving money by protecting confidential information and detecting security breaches that may lead to huge potential loss
🔎 Cyber Crime and its types
Cybercrime also known as digital/computer crimes are the illegal activities done by criminals . The types of cybercrimes are Identity theft, crimes via botnets, child pornography, blackmailing, social engineering, online spams and frauds, cryptojacking, cyber bullying etc